Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net Control Script

Standard Script for the Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net Control Operator  (rev. 2015-07-30)


Is there any further business for the repeaters before we begin the Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net? This is [YOUR CALLSIGN].


Calling the Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net. This is [YOUR NAME], [YOUR CALLSIGN], I am located in [YOUR LOCATION], and I will be net control for tonight’s net.

This net meets most Thursdays at 7:30 pm Eastern Time on the linked MMRA repeaters.  Those frequencies are listed on the MMRA website www.mmra.org.

The purpose of this net is to discuss youth amateur topics and items of general amateur interest. This is an open net. All amateur radio operators are invited and encouraged to check in.


Before we begin, is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time?  (Listen briefly, then continue.)


We have two check in rounds. The first is for youths under 18 only and the second is for adults. When checking into the net, please give your call. If net control does not list you as being heard please call again.

This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], net control for the Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net, and at this time I will accept youth check-ins.  Please call now.   (Record all check-ins for the log.)

So far we have  ____________, _____________, _____________, ____________, and ____________, are there any more check ins? [Repeat until no more check ins]

(Acknowledge any new check-ins)


Hearing no other check-ins,  I will now accept adult check-ins.  Please call now.

So far we have  ____________, _____________, _____________, ____________, and ____________, are there any more check ins?. [Repeat until no more check ins]

(Be sure to let everyone check in first before allowing discussion.)


[Give any business, topics, or items from net control for the group.]


I will now call each station checked in, please give your name, location, if you are a youth, if you have further traffic, and you are encouraged to give a brief introduction.

For example: My callsign is [YOUR CALLSIGN], my name is [YOUR NAME], I am in [YOUR LOCATION], I am/am not a youth,  I have further traffic for this net, and [A BRIEF INTRO ABOUT YOUR SELF]

This is [YOUR CALLSIGN]. I will start with ____________, then to others in sequence.


We will now start the discussion session of the net.

I will turn the discussion over to __________ first, then to others in sequence. This is [YOUR CALLSIGN]


(After discussion) This is [YOUR CALLSIGN], net control for the Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net.  Are there any last minute check-ins, further business, or suggestions for the net? Please call now.


Is there any further business for the net before I close?  Please call now.

Hearing nothing, this is [YOUR CALLSIGN] closing the Eastern Massachusetts Youth Thursday evening net.

Thank you to everyone who checked in to tonight’s net and a special thanks to the Minuteman Repeater Association for the use of their repeaters.  73 to all and have a good evening.

I now return the repeaters to normal amateur use.  This is [YOUR CALLSIGN].